Monday, February 15, 2016


 Our last week and back to painting. Rinda  painting the trim on the house.
 Jill finished painting the front part of the house.
 I painted the trim on the peak above the garage and then I painted the wall. The last stroke of  house paint!
 Jill painted the garage doors.
 Since we didn't take the numbers off the wall Jill carefully painted them with a Q-tip.
By noon on Tuesday the third house was finished painted by this trio of painters.
 The guys did a lot of landscaping at the church. They trimmed bushes, planted new ones, and did a lot of mulching. The mulch had been put at he far end of the parking lot. Larry filled a trash can attached to our car to move it to the other end of the building where it was needed.

Dick and Larry filling the trash can.

 John made many trips back and forth with the wheel barrow.
 Dick spreading out the mulch.
 Wes planting the bushes.
 They got this much done by lunch on Monday.
Sure looks nice when they were finished at the end of the day.

 There were a few jobs around the church that needed to be done. The bathroom on the third floor needed painted.
 Dick and John gave it a fresh coat of paint.
The doors between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall were painted by Jill. We have painted ourselves out of work. A lot of work has been done this period by a great team of workers.
 Since there was no more work for us to do on Wednesday the team headed to Ft. Desoto Park.
 We spent the afternoon fellowshipping at North Beach.
 Sunny but a little windy and cool.
 Jill and John braved the surf.
 Larry thought it might feel good on his foot.
While I stayed "sunning " on the beach. A day enjoyed by all.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Monday morning, with help from all the guys, John got the sink installed and then he hooked up the plumbing.
John and Wes moved the electric to the other side of the room, and put in four new circuits.
Now to move the refrigerator and counters
to the other side of the room.
The youth room eating area new look.

Jenni's had a house fire in November. The insurance covered painting of the front and one side of her home, so we painted this side, the back and the garage. The team before us had done most of the cutting in on the house and power washed the garage.
Rinda, Jill and I finished painting the house and painted the garage.
Dick lent us a hand one day with scraping and painting the higher peaks
Grey trim and the garage was finished being painted.
Dick helped painting the overhang of the house behind this plant
Jill held the plant back so Dick could get up a ladder. We put another coat of paint on the house trim, and we had another house painted. Jenni hopes to be in her home by the end of next week.
John and Wes, along with Dick when he wasn't helping us paint, worked on this house. The wall had water damage and needed to be replace.
The jalousie window no longer functioned, so they replaced it.
The new window installed.
The Pastor's new husband needed his home painted, so the paint team moved in!
Rinda, Jill and I took our scrapers, paintbrushes and rollers to it.
John and Dick gave us a hand with the painting. John painting the eve white.
I scraped the pealing paint from under the eve and the trim, then Dick followed with the white  paint.
After lunch Dick took over the scraping and finished the white painting. All but some of the front was painted by the end of the week. So next week we finish the walls and paint the trim and house three will be done.
Our team celebrated another week of work well done at Leverock's Seafood restaurant. From left to right Wes,Rinda, Dick, Ann(she has been working at the church as the receptionist), John, Jill, Larry and Dottie.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


 We came to St. Petersburg, Florida on January 29 for a NOMADS project in this community.
 We are parked behind the St. Luke Methodist Church.

We have four rigs hooked up to water and electric.
On Saturday we celebrated our 13th anniversary at Leverock's Seafood. Larry had 13 beautiful roses on the table for me. Then on February 1st John and  Jill celebrated their 42nd anniversary. This is a project to celebrate love, since Valentine's Day is also during this project.

 Ann leads us in the singing in our devotions each morning, she was a music teacher,  Jill and John traveled with a gospel group, so our singing sounds pretty good. Going around the table is Larry, Dick, Ann, Wes, Rinda, Jenny (project coordinator for us), Jill and John.

We are working at three different homes in the community this week. Rinda, Jill and I painted the outside of this mobile home.We were grateful that the team last week power washed it. John helped paint the high part the first morning.
 Larry came by in the afternoon and finished painting the back peak.
 It was a warm week, so Jill made sure we drank lots of water.

Jill painted the blocks around the bottom.
 Painting both sides of the awnings took some time. Jill enjoyed doing the trim work. Changing the red to a nice mushroom brown really freshened up the look of the home.
John helped paint the higher peak and trim.

The house finished and Donna, the home owner was very happy.

 John spent his other time at the church putting in plumbing for the sink to be installed in the youth room. It took a little studying to figure out how to do it, then a lot of hard drilling.
 Pipes ready for a sink to be installed in the corner. Jenny discussing what type of sink to put in and what else they needed done in this room. A sink was picked up on Thursday to be installed next week.
 Dick and Wes worked at this house. It had a list of things to be fixed. They replaced an air conditioner, fixed door frames and,replaced rotted soffit, The bathroom was a big concern. The shower walls needed replaced, but first they needed to check that the floor wasn't rotten. They removed the flooring and there was no leak,
 New flooring
 Green board hung on walls
 and shower walls installed. A nice make over.
 This home needed three jalousies windows removed and new windows installed. Wes and Dick removed the windows and then Larry covered the opening with plywood until new windows were purchased.
 Carol helped Larry install the windows It is nice when a home owner is able and willing to give a helping hand, and she enjoyed helping. The windows were just a little too big for the opening so Larry had to trim them back to fit, another challenge.
 I worked with Larry on Thursday to trim out the windows. Caulking adds the finishing touch. Carol is going to do the painting, so I don't have to go back and do it next week.
We ran out of time on Thursday, so we went over Friday morning and finished framing the window and loaded up all the tools. Larry making the window sill for the frame.
The finished window. So three homes done and ready to work on some others next week.