Sunday, February 1, 2015


There was a team working at Bartley Temple UMC in Gainesville, FL during period 1. We are leading the team here for period two.
This is the first time NOMADS have worked at this church. They put in water, electric and sewer for four rigs to hook up beside the church.

Our singing each morning is enhanced with Gene playing guitar and Cheri's beautiful voice.
The first team had redone the bathrooms in the sanctuary, so we were able to turn the bathrooms in the hallway into handicap accessible bathrooms. The church is opened to the public on Wednesday night for a medical clinic, so they needed these to be handicap bathrooms.
The doors had to be widened.
Sinks and electrical boxes had to be moved.  Butch worked on the plumbing.
Gene knocked out the wall.
Gene and Butch worked on removing the metal door frame.
Removing the cinder block wall was a very dusty job!
By the end of the week the bathroom walls were cut wider and ready for the new door frames.

Last period the team enclosed this entrance to create a closet and new entrance..
Rinda caulked the closet.
Then Mary Ann and Rinda painted the walls.
Larry and Mary Ann decided where shelves should be installed.
Mary Ann, Rinda and I built the shelves.
Woman with tools!

While we worked on the closet Larry finished the outside wall.
He installed the new door.

Wes and Cheri replaced rotten fascia boards.
One board lead to another.
 Looking very nice after scraping and painting.

The gutters and the fascia boards needed the dirt and mold cleaned off on this side of the building.
Rinda and I cleaned the gutters and wood with some Clorox and pressure washing.
The next big project was to remove these lights and ceiling tiles.
Larry removed the lights.

Wes helped remove the ceiling tiles and all the old insulation.
Cheri and I painted the drop ceiling grids.
Gene and Larry putting in the new lighting.
Gene and Wes putting up the ceiling tiles.

By Thursday afternoon we had half of the ceiling finished with bright lights and clean white tiles. It really made a big difference in the room.
Mary Ann spent time in the sanctuary bathrooms painting the walls.
First the walls were white and then they decided they wanted them a pale beige. Good thing she loves to paint.

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