Wednesday, October 19, 2016


 Our first NOMADS project was at this camp in Fruitland Park, FL. Now we are back leading a project.
 We are parked at the Warren Willis camp sites instead of across the street at the Life Enrichment Center (LEC). These sites are usually used by work campers in the winter.
 There is a very nice building close by with a room for us to gather in, washer and dryers, and two restrooms.
 Each morning we meet here for devotions. We have been blessed with new NOMADS from Canada Cheri and Peter. They are very musical and lead our singing each day. What a difference having a guitar makes in our singing.
 The first morning we were given a very nice breakfast.
 And they serve us lunch each day.
 Billy showed Larry around  the different projects he would like our team to work on. This is to be a second boulder wall.
 Dave, Bummer and Ralph went to work on building it.
 Larry gave a hand in getting the post squared up.
 Tuesday morning a small concrete truck arrived and set the post.
 By lunch they had the boards installed for the straight side.
 By the end of the day the outward curved wall was half way done.
 Carol and Ralph drilled the holes in the board where the hand holds will be installed.
 Wednesday morning the  boulder wall was finished.
 Some of the cabins had water damage on the ceilings and needed dry wall replaced. Peter, Cheri and Sylvia worked on the ceiling in this cabin.

 Peter cut our a large square of drywall.
 He got the new piece of drywall screwed up.

In another cabin there was ceiling damage in the bathroom and the shower area.
 Fran and I worked on getting the dry wall  cut out.
 We insulated it, and hung new drywall on Tuesday.
 Tuesday morning Fran and I worked over at the  LEC on a bathroom where a ceiling had collapsed because of a toilet leak  on the floor above. They needed this room ready by Thursday.  They hung the drywall and then asked us to tape, mud, sand and paint it. Getting the mud to dry and a second coat applied fast enough was a challenge.
We had the room  finished by  Wednesday afternoon.
After the boulder wall was finished Dave, Larry,  and Ralph started working on repairing the pole barn.
 They cleaned out all the material stored around it and plummed the post.
By the end of Thursday they had five truss built ready to be put up next week.

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