Friday, July 4, 2014


 Friday evening we enjoyed the Tops in Blue performance that was free to the public. It was a great show with lot of talent. There is an air force base here in Minot.

On Sunday evening we went to eat at the Ground Round which is at the end of the street of the house we painted. That is how high the water was during the flood.

Our team has grown a little. Roger and Beverly (beside Larry) are new NOMADS and this is there first project.

 Roger built a sub floor in this room.
 Then he installed the laminate.

 Molding being put on to finish the beautiful floor.
 He then worked on framing out the windows and was disappointed that he didn't get them finished by the end of the day Thursday. They were only here for this week.
 Larry installed his steps.
 I even helped to staple on the boards
 By Thursday the wall was patched, textured, painted and stairs finished except to screw down the top platform.
 Deane and Scott hung the doors.
 Larry framed them out.
 Larry installed a new steel back door. Getting the locks installed presented some challenges.
 Deane boxed in the windows in this room.

 On Wednesday our team grew. George and Lynn will be the leaders when we leave, and since our team has been a little short handed they came in a few days early. Scott and George worked at finishing the home for a retired policeman, where many of the NOMADS have worked in the past.
 Lynn helped them on Wednesday putting  the knobs on the cabinets  and then helped us on Thursday installing the doorknobs..
 Deane boxing in the living room window.
 Larry framed in the door.
 On Thursday the home owner surprised us with coffee and doughnuts, so we had a little coffee break before we cleaned up for the day. We made a lot of progress at this house this week and only have a few more things to do here next week.

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