Sunday, January 29, 2017


Sharon and Gary finished installing the kitchen counter and cleaning everything up Monday morning at the home we had painted.
We all went over to bless the house and hang a welcome home sign. It is ready for the house parents to move in.
This plant survived the landscaping and painting and was ready to bloom when we left on Thursday.
I was excited to see it in bloom when we returned on Monday.  Never thought it would look like this.
The painting crew moved on to the President's house. He was to move in soon and since the home where he had been staying had a tree fall on it during the storms on Sunday he wanted to move in as soon as possible. This room had a decal all around the wall. It removed easily but Carol had to do some scrubbing to get the glue off. Then I worked on getting the pencil line off.
Bob got the rooms prepared to paint.
The girl's room was a bright turquoise.
 Connie and I painted the boy's room blue. We kept Susan in the closets.
 Carol took out many nails that were in the walls throughout the house, filled in the holes and touched up the paint.
 Connie cleaning out the brushes and rollers. Tuesday morning the house was ready for them to move in.

While we were painting inside Jack worked on the lighting outside on the  house and garage.

 Larry and Mike went back to Hardin Hall on Monday to find the shelves they built well filled.
 They built the counters in this room for some computer stations.
 There was a little space at the end of each counter so they built storage boxes.
 Then they moved on to the outside and started power washing Hardin Hall, along with Jack and Gary.

Gary power washed the walkways

 While they power washed Susan and I painted the curbing.
 Sharon joined us in painting the parking stripes, she is way down at the other end.

 Sharon painting a stop sign line. We didn't use a brush again, since we had many to paint and the roller worked much faster.
 More parking stripes and no parking areas to paint. What a different freshly painted lines makes in the appearance of the grounds.
 Thursday morning all 11 of us painted parking lines (162 spaces) and  400 feet of yellow curbing. Before we could eat lunch we had to paint the maintenance parking stripes.

We were then treated to a delicious picnic meal by the maintenance department. They were very grateful for the work we accomplished and we were very thankful for all the support they gave us. It is a great NOMADS project with a lot of work that always needs to be done.

Friday, January 20, 2017


 Since Monday was Martin Luther King Jr  Day we were off, so we all went to Carol and Bob's condo at New Smyrna Beach.
 They live a short walk from the beach. Gary with four bathing beauties. I took a picture of Carol taking a picture.
 Gary, Sharon,Susan,Mike, Dottie, Larry, Connie, Lee, Bob and Carol enjoying a beautiful day at the beach.
 After we took a long walk along the beach we came back and rested.
 We ended the day at JB's fish camp for dinner.
 Another picture with Carol taking a picture.
 Well fed and rested ready to start our second week of work.
 Jack and Gary delivered more cabinets for the kitchen. Sharon removed the doors.
 Then she primed and painted them.
 Gary and Jack worked on the electric in the house getting all of the switches to work and figuring out what worked what and how they were wired. A little bit of a challenge.
 The maintenance shop has all of the supplies we need. Jack getting more switch plates.
 Connie found some white paint for the shutters. She looks a little too excited! Hope it was because this is the last paint needed for the house.

 Lee on his golf cart, he has been working around the campus.  Ineed to get a picture of the tractor he has been running to clean up the debris around the ground from Hurricane Matthew.
Tuesday Larry and Mike put in electrical outlets and lighting  in the room they built last week.
 Wednesday we went to Hollerbach's Willow Tree Cafe in Sanford. We tried to go here last Thursday but there was a street fair and knew we wouldn't get seated for a long time.
 It is a German restaurant and we had a great dinners.
 Cabinets painted so Gary hung them and Jack moved the electrical boxes.
 Sharon put on all the cabinet doors, Oops those were hung upside down.
 By the end of the day Thursday bottom cabinet installed.
 Sharon and I worked outside. I  scraped off the peeled paint around the foundation and Sharon painted the first coat on the house Then I rolled the second coat while she brushed the top and trim.
 Bob gave us a hand.
 Carol and Connie painted the white on the front porch.
 Now that Sharon was done painting cabinets she helped roll paint outside.
 Carol painted the shutters.
 The house is painted.
 The back of the house.
Ceiling and walls on the lanai were painted. The  house looks beautiful inside and out.
Larry and Mike worked two days at Hardin Hall building shelves for storage. This building is where the administration offices are for the Children's Home.
Beautiful shelves installed on both sides of the room.
We ended our week at Goodfella's for some delicious Italian food.  I just am not sure we have worked hard enough to burn off all the calories we have eaten this week !