Sunday, April 24, 2016


 In the evening on Thursday,April21, we received a call from Jesse at Zion UMC saying they had to take off the extension we had added to the building. That evening Larry sent an email about the need for an emergency team to Carla.  Friday she sent out the call to our members for anyone that would be available to help on Saturday. In no time we had this team together, Geary, Ed and Lynn, Dottie and Larry and Morris and Karen. We met for devotions at 8 Saturday morning and Ed began taking off the front roofing.
 Geary took down the cross beams.
 Larry and Jesse unfastened the hurricane straps
 We marked each truss, beam and post as they were removed and gave them the diagram of how it was constructed.
By noon we finished by attaching a 2x4 to the edge of the roofing to reinforce it.
 Thanks to all the help, the right tools and being mostly screwed together the work went quickly.
 In Zion's hospitable fashion we were invited to stay for a chicken luncheon they were serving for the funeral of one of the older church members who had died.

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